Newheek manufacture high quality X Ray Grids.Welcome to purchase.

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How to choose medical x-ray grid?

The product specifications of the xray grid are different. When selecting the xray grid, attention should be paid to the equipment used in the xray grid.
Clients consulted Newheek’s xray grid for size 18X18.
Scattering x ray grid application
Our xray grid are 5 “X18” – 18 “X18” and have a gridding ratio of 8:1, 10:1 and 12:1.
The xray grid is placed between the human body and the film to filter out the effect of scattered rays on the film. At present, the xray grid is used for camera racks, cameras, and image intensifiers. It is square on camera racks and cameras, and circular at the input end of image intensifiers. The focal length varies with the position of the xray grid.
Customers should make appropriate choices according to their own needs when consulting xray grid.


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