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How to select an appropriate x ray grid

The x ray grid is for reducing the scattered rays and improving the image quality when filming the X-ray photography.

The x ray grid normal size is 15″*18″ and 18″*18″ , corresponding to flat panel detector size 14″*17″ and 17″*17″ respectively. And the film cassette or the IP board of CR can also be selected.

About the grid ratio of the filter grid, it depends on the voltage of the tube.If the voltage of the bulb tube is above 90KV,the grid ratio of 10:1 and above will be used.If the voltage of the bulb tube is below 90KV,the grid ratio of 8:1 and below should be selected.

If you are interested in our X-ray Grid, please pay attention to us.Newheek is a professional manufacturer of X-ray machines and accessories.Please feel free to contact us for more information.


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