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Selection of grid focal length

Many customers inquire about the grid, we generally confirm the size, grid density, grid ratio and focal length of the required grid to the customer. Recently, more and more mobile DR light machines have been used. The focal length of the grid is different for the bed and vertical film examination of patients. Generally, we recommend that customers use 1m for the focal length of the grid for bed photography. For position shooting, the focal length of the grid is 1.8m. If the customer’s budget is sufficient, they can buy two grids with different focal lengths. If the customer’s budget is not enough, they can purchase a dual-purpose grid with a focal length of 1.3m. Although the image quality is not as high as that of the standard focal length, it can be compatible with lying and Two shooting methods in standing position.
If you are interested in the grid, please consult.

X-ray grid


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