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The difference between mobile X-ray grid and fixed X-ray grid

Several customers are interested in our X-ray grid and call us to inquire about the mobile X-ray grid. The customer uses this equipment for photography with ordinary X-ray machines. Then we send the product catalog to customers for reference. But the customer finally confirmed the fixed X-ray grid.
So let’s take a look at the difference between a mobile X-ray grid and a fixed X-ray grid. First of all, the grid is divided into fixed and mobile according to the way of movement.
Fixed X-ray grids require high grid density, because X-ray grids with lower grid density are prone to lead shadows and affect the image. Therefore, the fixed X-ray grid generally adopts a high grid density. The mobile X-ray grid is composed of an X-ray grid, a driving device and a tray. The driving device makes the grid move perpendicular to the arrangement direction of the lead at the front of the exposure, and stops moving after the exposure to avoid the shadow of the lead. Therefore, mobile X-ray grids do not require high grid density, so low-density grids can be used.
Our company Newheek produces and sells various X-ray machines and parts. Products are widely used in domestic and foreign medical and health fields. If you are interested in our products, please contact us.


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