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The grid is not subject to physical restrictions

The United States has imposed export controls on 24 Chinese institutions and individual entities to prevent them from sourcing supplies from the United States for Chinese military activities.

The US Department of Commerce announced on the 22nd that it has added 24 Chinese institutions and individuals to the “Entity List”. The entity list is considered to be a “blacklist” of US export controls, and the listed entities need to obtain a license issued by the Department of Commerce in order to purchase US technology.

US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said the move would prevent US goods and technology from being used to harm US interests.

The US stated that these Chinese entities are related to weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and military operations. They assist in the procurement of Chinese military supplies and pose a huge risk to the United States.

These 24 entities are distributed in Mainland China, Hong Kong and the Cayman Islands, including cloud intelligent robot operator CloudMinds and its subsidiaries, cybersecurity company Qihoo 360 (Qihoo), colleges and universities Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Engineering University, as well as many scientific research centers and enterprises.

There is also an individual on the list named Zhu Jiejin The US did not provide specific information about her person, but she is believed to be the sales director of Shanghai Weiyi Measurement and Control Company. The company’s main high-performance sensors are also on the US entity list on the same day.

Dali Technology had previously prepared for an initial public offering (IPO) in the United States, but the listing plan was delayed for some reason. In March, there were reports that the US Department of Commerce sent a letter to Dali Technology last year warning that it must not transfer technology from its US department to the Beijing office without permission.

Qihoo 360, another Chinese company on the list, was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 2011 and delisted five years later. Qihoo last month accused the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of launching cyber attacks against Chinese aviation, energy, and scientific research institutions in the past 11 years.

However, X-ray grid are not subject to restrictions and are still being vigorously exported to various countries.


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