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The radius of the movable X-ray grid

Movable X-ray grid absorbs scattering lines and primary rays. In order to ensure that the amount of exposure to the film does not change, the exposure time must be extended.
The filter factor is the ratio of exposure with and without a filter grid, known as the X-ray grid(exposure) factor or the filter grid(exposure) factor.The filtration coefficient can be tested by the model.
Due to the influence of scattering lines, the filter factor will increase with the increase of the thickness of the subject and the increase of photographic kV.
The radius of the movable X ray grid
When using movable X-ray grid, in principle, photography distance should be consistent with the focal length of the grid.But there is also a tolerance range that depends on the gate ratio and is inversely proportional. Exceeding this range will result in a decrease in blackness, contrast reduction or loss.
Newheek movable X-ray grid can meet your different sourcing needs.


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