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HomeBlog ›Is there a grid under the medical X-ray table of the DR machine?

Is there a grid under the medical X-ray table of the DR machine?

A customer asked if there is a grid under the medical X-ray table of the DR machine. Yes, the grid is placed between the human body and the imaging device (such as a flat panel detector or film). In other words, the grid is directly behind the patient and placed in the film box under the medical X-ray table.
The focal length of the grid under the medical X-ray table of the DR machine is one meter. Some customers have reported that the grid of the medical X-ray table of the DR machine does not have a good effect on filtering rays, and the film is not clear. It is told that it is the distance of the grid. The length of the X-ray machine is wrong, it is one meter, and you need to follow the instructions. After the customer adjusted the distance, the image was very clear.

X-ray grid


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