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How are movable X-ray grids arranged

Movable X-ray grid can improve the shooting quality of X-ray machine medical devices. Its function is to filter scattering lines, reduce gray fog and improve contrast.Movable X-ray grid can improve the shooting quality when the object’s thickness and density are large.
The grid ratio of movable X-ray grid is the ratio of the thickness of the filter grid to the gap width of the lead bar, i.e., H/D. H is the thickness of the filter grid and D is the gap of the lead bar.
How are movable X ray grids arranged
According to the KV value of the ray, choose the correct grid ratio and movable X-ray grid with high grid ratio for high KV. Movable X-ray grids move when movable X-ray grids filter out scattering lines.
How should movable X-ray grids be positioned? Newheek movable X-ray grids are of various types and come with a vertical line with one side up or a labeled side up, and the beam limiter’s movable cross line is aligned with the middle line of the filter grid.
Newheek movable X-ray grid can meet your movable purchasing needs.


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